Sunday, October 23, 2011

thank you

Here is Cody's order! He is into green, yellow and red. I think it turned out awesome. I'm really liking all the colors. It will go great in his office.

Down below is Danica's headband! She has a few more things on her order but this is what I have done so far. Hope she likes it! 
I will be adding a lot more stuff in the next few weeks so please stay tuned. See anything you want please let me know! I'm a little backed up with orders but I have a lot more time coming up to get them done! 

Everyone that has ordered things or taken an interest in my things, thank you so much. You are all a blessing and keep me going. You are all awesome and I appreciate you!


Praise THE Lord. We got an awesome deal and we are so thankful. Thank you all for your prayers.
Here are a few pictures...

It's red, not Coy's favorite but I'm not allowing him to be THAT picky. :-) So excited about the new adventures and memories with a new truck. Coy misses his old truck but only good can come out of what happened. We were getting dicouraged with finding anything. I found it on Craig's List and sent the guy a e-mail and let Coy handle it from there. The guy we bought it from was really nice and wanted to help us out. He had to get it smogged a few times because it just wasn't passing, so, he took it into the shop and it was just a hose that came out of place. FINALLY, it passed and now we have it at home. Thank you again for all your prayers and support! Love you all.


Saturday, October 22, 2011


I really like the Crayola art so I switched it up a bit. Here is one thing I experimented with. Hope you like it! I'll add more another time. :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Anyone else dig cake pops?! Well, here is the recipe... 

What you will need...
1. One box cake mix (pick your favorite!)
2. One tub o'frosting (you won't use it all, don't worry.)
3. Candy coating, I found all colors at Michael's!
4. Lollipop sticks
5. I also got little bags at Michael's to cover them and ribbon to tie it all together!

Here is how it works...

Bake the cake according to the directions on the box. Easy so far... right?

Once it is done, let it cool for about an hour.

For the white cake I had to peel off the top, the bottom and the edges so it would keep the same consistency. crumple up the rest in a large bowl in as small of pieces as you can. Then add aboue 1/3-1/2 the tub of frosting to the crumbs.

This is where is gets fun... Get your hands in there and mush it all around! Make a ball of dough. It will look like uncooked bread dough. You want it to be sticky but not mushy. 
 (Kinda blurry but get over it...)

Now make balls about an inch thick and throw those suckers on a cookie sheet and put them in the fridge for a few minutes. This will allow you time to get some dishes done. :-)

Now take them out and have your candy coating melted according to directions. Stick your lollipop sticks into the candy coating and onto the bottom of the cake ball (it will be a little flat from where it was sitting on the cookie sheet, that is where you want to insert the stick.) And don't freeze them because the candy coating WILL crack. After you have all your sticks in the cake pops, dip those babies in the candy coating and try to coat them evenly. I used a spoon to help, use your imagination for this part. Now, before the candy coating can dry you need to put those sprinkles or whatever topping you have on them so it will stick.

As you can see in the picture below, i used a box lid to stick the end of the sticks into while they were drying. Then I stuck the entire lid, with all the pops on it, into the fridge and it took 5-10 minutes for them to harden. Then walahhh!!! Wrap those pretty little things up and share for the world! Super easy and fun just time consuming!

If you have questions about them e-mail me! 
Oh, send me pictures of your little pieces of art so I can share your creativity with my readers.

"to live and to love will always be dangerous but it is better than playing it safe."

Erin and I took them to our work dinner party last night and EVERYONE loved them and wanted to recipe so I am bloggin this sucker to share with you all.

Adoption gift fair...

Hello my lovelies! It's been a while, but I'm backkk! I've been workin on some sweet stuff for a gift fair that a friend of mine is putting on to help raise money so her brother and sister-in-law to adopt two children from Ethiopia! How awesome is that?! So, here are some things I'm working on to donate to them.

Super cute with some flowers in a vase!
More to come...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

you may say that i'm a dreamer...

I LOVEEEE these earrings...

This is Amanda's order! diggin' them.

Here is Celena's Order!

Monday, October 10, 2011

new orders

 Here are all the orders I finished up today. Hope you like them. :-)

 Jamie's order! rosettes on bobbypins.

 Michelle's order! No slip clips.

Sahra's Order!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Here are all my lovely creations for today. Enjoy!!

 ^^ This is a chunky yarn ear warmer. :-)

 yoyo flowers!

back of pushpins

Colleen's order!

Tara's order!!
They are yoyo's on chopsticks for your hair. :-)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Bratton Wreath. I had to have one after I made one for Caroline and Peter. Here is what I came up with... :-)

I love it! I can't wait to hang it up now.