Friday, June 13, 2014

Life Lately...

Where do I even begin? It's been months since I've posted. Seems like things keep happening in our family and time isn't slowing down so we can process it all. Things have finally slowed down around here and I can fill you in on life lately. I believe my last post was about my birth story so we will begin there...

Lucy is such a blessing to us! We never thought we could love something or someone as much as we do. She sleeps through the night, eats like a champ... What else could you possibly hope for? When she was about 3 months old they told us she has a hemoglobin deficiency but not to worry about it because it was something we can deal with when she is 9 months old. It's something that is so common among Pacific Islander's (Lucy is 1/4 Filipino) that it's not a huge deal, nothing to worry about. We just had her 9 month appointment and she needs to go on iron for her deficiency and they will follow up next month to see where she is at! Other than that she is a big healthy girl... Just on the short side. :-)

When Lucy was 4 months old, she was a flower girl! Auntie Erin and Uncle Ty got married on October 26th!!! Ty is such a wonderful Uncle to Lucy. He teaches her all sorts of new things! She is a lucky little girl to have an awesome Auntie and Uncle. They live in Santa Rosa where Erin is a nurse and Ty works at the summer camp Erin and I grew up going to.

We found out in February that we will be welcoming another little baby to our family!! We were so shocked but so excited. We went in for the ultrasound to see how far along I was and it turned out that we were 8 weeks. Being pregnant and caring for a little one is HARD work but it is so worth it.

On April 24th, our step grandpa passed away. Dale was married to my mom's mom, Evelyn. He loved playing with little Lucy. He will be missed by many.

On May 11th my Great Uncle Chuck went to be with Jesus. He was my Grandma Evelyn's brother. He was such a sweet, funny and caring man. For our wedding present he gave us a Kitchen Witch... He got it at a garage sale. Ever since we received it, I have been trying to give it back. He loved the game we had going on. Uncle Chuck passed away from cancer after his chemo failed. 

Since Lucy was about 6 months old she has had two ear infections!! Those are rough to deal with but she is a trooper and recovers quickly. Pretty sure they are from teething because she now has 2 teeth!! Yay!

On June 2nd we went in for our anatomy scan to make sure everything was forming correctly and to see what we were having. We are having a BEAUTIFUL little girl named Ember Marie. We are already so in love with her and excited to see her in mid October. A day after the anatomy scan we got a phone call from our Dr. office. They told us that Ember has an enlarged left ventricle in her brain. I couldn't think of any questions to ask because I was upset. She kept reassuring me that it didn't seem to be a big deal and that they see this a lot and it can resolve itself. I had a Dr. appointment that day so I thought of some questions to ask then. When I brought it up my Dr. said she really wasn't worried about it. It was so minor that it could have even just been a shadow. It was slightly enlarged but just want to take precautions and do a second ultrasound to be sure. But everything else looked perfect and it should resolve itself. That made us feel so much better about it. We have a second ultrasound on July 2nd. Please, pray it has resolved itself and that we do not need to follow up with a specialist.

No matter the outcome we are prepared to love this baby and do what it takes to care for her. We know God would not give us more than we cannot handle and will take any challenges head on. So many people already love her more than anything and she is already one blessed little girl.

That's our life lately. We are blessed beyond measure and we are so thankful for our family and friends. You don't know how much we appreciate everyone and how so many friends have become family and love our little Lucy and baby Ember. We love you all.

Little Lucy and her best friend Mr. Roo