Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lucy Faith

August 26, 2013

Marks one of the most special days of our lives. Our baby girl, Lucy Faith, was born. Here is the story of how our lives changed forever.

Our baby girl was due August 25, 2013 but decided she didn't want to come out yet... So, that evening I went to my parents for dinner and my mom and I went on a 2 mile walk. I was determined to hold my baby in my arms. 

The next morning I woke up at 5:30 am with some abdominal pain. At first I didn't think anything of it, just some pregnancy pain. I got up to use the bathroom and came back to bed. The pain got worse and I couldn't help but grab the sheets in pain. Coy opened his eyes in the middle of one of my contractions and I told him I was having them but I wasn't sure how far apart they were. We decided that he should go on with his day. He was going to the gym then to work. He left for the gym and about twenty minutes later I called him to come back home because the pain was getting more and more intense. We finished packing our bags, showered, did the dishes and cleaned up a little. Coy asked if we should sit down for an hour and time the contractions and I told him no... It was time.

We get to labor and delivery at about 10:15 am and they check me, I was 3 cm and my water was bulging which was making my back hurt so bad. All Coy could do was put pressure on the small of my back and hold my hand. They asked if I wanted any pain medication, I asked for an epidural. It took the anesthesiologist 30 minutes to get there but it felt like 3 hours... I was having contractions so close together by the time the anesthesiologist got there that they had to give me pain medication so that I could sit still. About 30 minutes later I started throwing up from the medication they had given me. Of course the bucket they gave me in case this happened was way too small and I puked all over myself and my bed. Needless to say, I felt disgusting even though they cleaned me up pretty well.

My doctor got there around 12:45 pm and checked me. She looked at me shocked because I was now 8 cm dilated! The doctor was going to come back when she was done with her appointments for the day to see how I was progressing. I wasn't feeling any pain from the contractions, just a lot of pressure every time I had one. Family came and spent time with us as the time passed. We loved having everyone come to see us and our little Lucy!

My doctor came back around 4:15 pm and sent everyone out of the room but Coy. She checked me and told me she wanted me to start pushing. I just looked at her like she was playing a mean joke on me. Coy ran out and got my mom and sister since I wanted them in the room. So, I started pushing! If it wasn't for the epidural I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. I was joking during the breaks and able to push when needed.

My little Lucy was there in no time! She was born at 5:26 pm at  8 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. She was perfectly healthy and beautiful! We did skin to skin for 4 hours. Coy and I have never fallen in love with anything or anyone so quickly. We were on cloud nine!

Our family came back in to see her but weren't able to hold her since we needed to do skin to skin. There were lots of tears and love for this little miracle. Everyone left around 8 pm.

She got her fist bath around 9:30 pm and after that Coy got to have skin to skin time with her. You could see the love in his eyes for this little girl. Nothing is more beautiful than a fathers love for his daughter.

Lots of tests were done that night on both Lucy and me. Everything was perfect except she failed her hearing test out of her right ear, they assured us this is normal and that they would do the test again the next day. She passed with flying colors the second time.

We stayed in the hospital for 2 nights. It was such a wonderful experience and we are so blessed by this little girl. We thank God everyday for her. We had an amazing pregnancy, labor, birth and a healthy little baby. 

We want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We are so blessed to have all of you as friends and family. Lucy is one lucky girl. We love you all and are so thankful.