Monday, November 14, 2011

skipping rocks and leaving footprints.

hello my lovelies. it's been wayyy too long. i've missed you all. but here are my crafts and boy do i have a lottt! so buckle up cause this is going to take a while...

1. hairpins
Tanya's Order!

Jessica's Order!

Celena's Order

2. earrings/headbands

Danica's Order

Shelby's Order

Elizabeth's Order!

Cristina's Order

3. random

Crayola Mess

Record Bowl

Big Crayola


Amanda's Order

Woodland High Craft Fair

Cookie Sheet Magnet Board

and that is all she wrote. :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011


I know a lot of beautiful people, on the outside. I also know a lot of beautiful people on the inside. I've seen beauty and I've seen ugly. I want this quote to be what people will say about me. One time I was asked to write what I want my headstone to say. I said I want 1 Corinthians 12:9-10, His strength covered my weaknesses.

It's been 6 months today since Uncle Steve passed away. It's still hard. Every time I think about our wedding day I wish that he could have been there and could have taken those family wedding pictures with us. Just one last hoorah. I'm so thankful that all of my family could be at the wedding even under the circumstances. I wouldn't change a thing about our wedding except to have Uncle Steve there. I think that it made beautiful people out of my family, not that they weren't already, but made them even more beautiful.

On to a happier thought, I have a lot of orders and I'm so thankful! I'll post pictures soon. Thank you all so very much! I appreciate you all!